Summertime Sadness
This summer goes quite smoothly. To begin with a successful participation in the curated group exhibition in the Vilnius City Hall this July and meeting with the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, as well as other amazing people. I am happy and honored to be offered some help and advice by some real art professionals.
The highlight of my Lithuanian journey was meeting Mrs. Kristina Žoromskienė and visiting the house-museum of the incredible Kazimieras Žoromskis in Vilnius.
Moreover, I am surprised to be noticed by increasing number of people, resulting in climbing number of commissions and sales of my art. Drop by drop, step by step, I am sneaking closer to the doorway step of the professional art-world. However, the more I know, the further it seems to be. Anyway, the summer is not yet over. I am looking forward to what the future brings. I can’t wait for the beginning of this school year where I will continue my artistic education and work.